THE HOLY ROLLER is a faith-based comedy drama feature.
Where his journey ends his destiny begins...
A small town pastor with a big heart finds himself getting caught up in a world that he never intended, he must make things right or risk losing everything.
Pastor Luke has always known that he possessed the God-given power to inspire people, but he's never had more than a few, paltry parishioners in his small town on which to bestow his glorious gift. When he moves to the city, and begins to achieve great success as a televangelist, he thinks he's finally fulfilling God's plan. It's only when he almost loses his new ministry, and the woman he loves, that he finds the courage to become the man God truly called him to be. THE HOLY ROLLER shows us that the only thing more important than having the faith to begin, is the courage to begin again.

The Holy Roller

THE HOLY ROLLER trailer (Official)